Centella Asiatica Toner


Centella Asiatica Toner

Average rating from 3 Ratings

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Centella Asiatica Toner

from 3 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 3 Reviews
oily AcnePoresSensitive
Was it worth it?

When I first used this product, nothing significant happened except the fact that a few acne started popping out off my face. However, I continued using this product in the hopes that it'll eventually show its impact and my face can be better. I proceed to use it for about 6 weeks (as it was mentioned by a lot of source that in order to see the result of an acne care product, you have to wait at least 2-6 weeks), and as i begin to enter week 6, not only that my face didn't get any better, but now I have 3 cystic acnes all over my face. you can also see redness in some area of my face as it gets itchy day by day.
To be completely honest, i am disappointed with this product as it claims to be safe and can heal acne. However, I also do realize that you can't really generalize skins as it may differ for one person to another.
I personally wouldn't repurchase. I also wouldn't recommend people to buy this product if they have oily-acne prone-sensitive skin like mine. However, i believe it's still okay to try this product if your skin is not too sensitive, especially to fragrance as this product use it as one of its ingredients.

oily PIHAcnePores

Fyi, ini toner pertamaku. Pertama kali tau brandnya dari tiktok. Lalu aku mencari tau lebih dalam tentang semua ingredient produk Npure. Dan akhirnya aku jatuh hati pada ingredient toner ini pada bacaan pertama. Ini hari ke 17 aku memakainya. Waktu pertama kali pakai jerawatku lagi subur-suburnya sebab mens, malam aku pake, PAGINYA KEMPES. Terimakasih kepada Tuhan sudah mempertemukan aku dengan toner ajaib ini:'). Kesan pertama yang menyenangkan yah. Hari ketiga mulai purging. Ini menyebalkan sih, tapi aku tetap cinta. Sampe sekarang juga masih purging, tapi gak masalah karena kulitku benar-benar di buat membaik olehnya. Pertama, beruntusanku menghilang. Kedua, ini yang paling aku syukuri: KOMEDOKU ILANG SEMUAAA. Ketiga, jerawat sangat cepat matang. Kaya malam aku pake, paginya udah kempes. Keempat, di hari ke 2 efek mencerahkannya sudah terasa. Kelima, PIH di pipi aku juga lebih cepat ilang. Keenam, meratakan warna kulit. Ketujuh, large poreku mulai sedikit samar. Kedelapan, dia benar-benar mengontrol minyak di wajahku. Seneng banget rasanya baru pertama kali nyoba pake toner dan langsung dapet produk yang bagus.

combination PoresUneven
aman buat combi to oily

tertarik beli awalnya di instgram berkeliaran iklan ini, karena harganya ya murah lah ya masuknya, jadi ya aku iseng beli aja. dan di luar dugaan bisa ngempesin jerawat gituu, ngeratain warna kulit juga, dan ngelembabin muka, really love thisss. toner terbaik yang pernah aku coba!