Retinol Advanced Moisture Cream


Retinol Advanced Moisture Cream

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Retinol Advanced Moisture Cream

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
normal AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 4
Light & Gentle

Okay, everyone is hyped up over the ingredient "retinol". When I came across this product at Walmart, I decided to give it a shot. It's very affordable and the size of this product just makes it even better. Now, it's not a highly concentrated high amount of retinol. So don't be impatient. Give it a try and slowly your skin will learn to love this product (I hope). It's got a subtle fragrance to it and the texture is creamy yet light. It leaves my skin feeling soft and bouncy. Like I said, it's not a highly concentrated high amount of retinol so this is great for people who want to introduce retinol into their routine and see how their skin reacts with it without breaking bank and also great for people who are trying to prevent the signs of pre-mature aging.