Norwegian Formula Lip Moisturizer SPF 15


Norwegian Formula Lip Moisturizer SPF 15

Average rating from 62 Ratings

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Norwegian Formula Lip Moisturizer SPF 15

from 62 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 1 Rating • 2 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
dry PIHAcneBlackheads+ 3
Very Average

It worked but didn't really do much for me. It's a lightly moisturising lipbalm that required frequent reaaplication. Definitely not the kind of lip balm you can slather on before bed and wake up with moisturised lips.

Best part about this product is that you can't dislodge the balm from the packaging with overly enthusiastic screwing (I don't know the correct terminology for this). Because of the packaging design, not because I wasn't excited to use it. Though the second part is true as well. Don't bother getting this if you are the kind of person who uses multiple lip balms at a time, you'll just forget about this.

dry EczemaSensitiveWhiteheads
Both sunscreen ingredients are allergens

I ditched this after finding out that BOTH the sunscreen ingredients: Octinoxate and Benzophenone-3 can cause allergies in susceptible people like me. No wonder my lips were peeling after using it. See: and

combination AcneSensitiveDehydrated

wanimz has left a 4 star rating.