Skin Booster Vitamin Shot - Brightening

Physicians Formula

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Skin Booster Vitamin Shot - Brightening

from 3 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 2 Reviews
combination PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 6

jilan has left a 3 star rating.
combination PIHBlackheads
Me encanta

He estado este serum dia y noche por aproximadamente 1 mes y medio y las manchas de granitos ya tienen una mejoria impresionante, se ven super difuminadas y están a nada de desaparecer, me exfolio cada 3-4 días y uso protector solar, indispensable para notar cambios; por el precio y la calidad definitivamente lo volveré a comprar, también deja la piel muy bonita y luminosa en general, al ser antioxidante ayuda mucho a la disminución de puntos negros, se absorbe rápido y se lleva muy bien con otros productos, no se hacen rollitos ni nada(:

oily PIHAcnePores+ 2
Love it!

It takes time and patience to see the effect, I was halfway through the bottle until it started showing some progress. My PIE starts fading faster as time goes by, but I will give my sunscreen a credit for that too. Even so, this serum definitely gives that boost I need to tackle them. Aside from dealing with uneven skin tone, it can gives you a beautiful glow as well!

Texture wise, it's very very comfortable on the skin. Not too thick, not too runny, just the right consistency and easily spread. Absorbs nicely into the skin and leaves it really plump and hydrated without feeling tacky at all. While using this serum, I suggest you exfoliate regularly to give it an extra oomph.

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