Peace Rose Oil Complex Sensitive Skin Facial Cleansing Oil


Peace Rose Oil Complex Sensitive Skin Facial Cleansing Oil

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Peace Rose Oil Complex Sensitive Skin Facial Cleansing Oil

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 4
Stings the eyes

I double cleanse regularly and I can say this is probably the worst cleansing oil I've ever used. The main problem I have with this oil is how strong the fragrance is. I tend to be more tolerant of fragrance in wash-off products since it's not meant to stay in your skin for extended periods of time but this product stung my eyes like no other. If you're hoping to remove mascara or eyeliner with this, good luck because it'll hurt and make your eyes water. The product itself does remove all my sunscreen but I don't see the use of a product like this when I can't use to remove eye makeup. Additionaly, the packaging is annoying because the product spills so it's not travel friendly.