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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 5
Amazingly fades my acne scars and pigmentation!!

I have never encounter a product that can do wonders like this! No derma roll, no expensive fractional laser?
This is crazyy! 🤯🤯

Tissue reconstruction & surface regularising

Severe inflammation causes the breakdown of underlying skin tissues resulting in an anthropic scar (indentation). Distilled in Niacid, Italian Snail Secretion orchestrates the correct assembly of skin’s extra-cellular matrix (ECM) by forming new tissues where there is loss - resulting in decreased depth of indentations. In addition, Niacid healthily exfoliates skin’s surface in order to prompt growth of new skin cells, contributing to the speed of new skin tissue formation.