Oil Balancing Mattifying Moisturiser


Oil Balancing Mattifying Moisturiser

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Oil Balancing Mattifying Moisturiser

from 5 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 0 Ratings • 2 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 4
A little disappointing

i generally love sukin products but this moisturiser felt a little heavy, even for night time only use. the fragrance is also a little overpowering for my preference. i recently discovered that i might have fungal acne so am choosing to switch to a moisturiser that is fungal acne safe

combination BlackheadsPoresSensitive+ 2
Contradictory Name

No, it's not oil balancing & HUGE NO to the mattifying part

It has this occlusive sensation when you put it on your skin. Like, when you put on a mask (for air pollution) & you started to sweat around that area covered by the mask. No wonder since it contains lots of ingredients unsuitable for oily skin (sesame oil, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter)

Ergo, it has a slight dewy bordering to oily finish. So, yeah, big no no for oily & oily-combination people but totally awesome for dry skin

So far (3 months or so), it hasn't caused any acne. I can't tell about the comedones since I already have that in the beginning; i think there's no increase in that part (no increased white heads for sure, but I'm not sure about the blackheads)

- not suitable for oily & oily-combination skin. Better for dry skin / dry patch
- occlusive, but hasn't cause any acne
- it didn't aggravate sensitive skin