Kwailnara Banana Hand Milk


Kwailnara Banana Hand Milk

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Kwailnara Banana Hand Milk

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry Anti-AgingDehydratedUneven
Really nice, but too chemically scented, but it does the job

My thoughts on Welcos Kwailnara banana hand milk
My experience with Korean hand cream has not been, hmm how to say it, satisfying. I have really dry skin, and my hands are no exception. I really need a hand cream that is moisturizing without leaving my hands a sticky mess.

This hand cream is just that. It makes my hands feel really nice but without leaving them feeling sticky. I really hate hand creams that does just that. it completely destroys the usage of a hand cream. Is there anyone who love walking around leaving sticky prints wherever they go. Well not me. So, I was really happy when I tried this one and realized it actually worked as I wanted it to.

The packaging is nice, it is yellow… Wow did not expect that. It has a screw cap and is simply just as expected.

The hand cream penetrates really fast and the only thing I can complain about is the smell. To me the scent is really overwhelming and this really lowers the grade for the product. The smell lingers for some time, but it gets weaker and weaker at least. But it is a really nice hand cream so if you want to smell like a banana (but in a chemical way) this is the one for you.