Coconut Ultra Hydrating Paper Mask

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Coconut Ultra Hydrating Paper Mask

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Coconut Ultra Hydrating Paper Mask

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 2 Reviews
combination FungalPoresSensitive+ 1
Immediate Irritation

I've used this in the past (a couple years ago) and I guess it was fine then, but the last time I tried one of these masks my skin started burning almost immediately and I had to take it off and wash my face right away. Definitely doesn't work for my current skin situation or maybe the formula has been changed. If your skin is sensitive, this mask is probably worth avoiding.

combination PIHAcneDehydrated+ 1
Set my face a-blaze

Say yes to coconut? More like say HECK NO!!
I'd had never tried a sheet mask before, and when I saw this at the store I decided to give it a try. BAD MISTAKE! I was only able to leave it on for two of the recommended ten minutes, because my face started burning. After reading other reviews on this mask, I found out a lot of people have had the same experience as me too. NEVER AGAIN.