Genious Sleeping Collagen


Genious Sleeping Collagen

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Genious Sleeping Collagen

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination Anti-AgingPoresUneven
Works great for me

I first received this in a "Secrets of Algae Kit" from Algenist. When I first applied it, I thought it was too thick and heavy for my oily skin. But the next morning, my skin felt fantastic. There was no oily residue and I did not have the oily feel in my T-zone like I usually have in the morning. It's been a year now and I'm a faithful user. This is my last step in my nightly skincare regimen on the nights I don't use a skin oil (yes I use oil even though I have oily skin). I would recommend this product - try a sample first because it is very expensive.