Daily Microfoliant


Daily Microfoliant

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Daily Microfoliant

from 677 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 4 Ratings • 4 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination AcneFungalPores+ 1
Hero product

I noticed such a difference in my skin after using this regularly. I would be lost without it. My blackheads have visibly reduced and my pores aren't as clogged. I have comedonal acne on my chin and it was dramatically improved the texture of my skin

combination AcneBlackheadsWhiteheads

andreabr has left a 5 star rating.
combination FungalPoresUneven+ 1

steffib has left a 4 star rating.
oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 4

aktart1 has left a 5 star rating.
oily PIHRosaceaAnti-Aging+ 5

Ok so I have SUPER oily skin and yet its also very sensitive with rosacea. This has been a life changing product. Now I'm a bit concerned that one of the ingredients is bad for fungal acne...that did give me pause a bit. But seriously I love this product! Its a rice powder that is gentle enough that I can use it daily and it doesn't burn, itch, irritate my skin at all. Because I have such oily skin I find that it easily looks dull from environmental, makeup, skincare products that I use and it just sticks. Think of it in terms like you just fried chicken or something and got oil on the counter and then dust, flour, whatever just sticks to that oil. That all being said I love a good gritty scrub to really get in there and get all the gunk off my skin....but I'm also sensitive so this can be a huge problem and counter productive. Not with this product. The super fine powder is not at all harsh, but it allows me to get in there and really scrub my skin. It doesn't have a horrible scent...it smells like rice. I use of my face, neck and chest and then use whatever is leftover on my hands. I literally can't say enough about this stuff. I LOVE it!!

combination AcneBlackheadsUneven

alanto has left a 3 star rating.
combination BlackheadsDehydratedWhiteheads
Good exfoliant but not for everyday use.

firstly let me tell you my skin type. I have combination, sensitive and dehydrated skin oh and im 41 years young. I have large pores in my tzone and get occasional hormonal breakouts.
I love dermalogica and the daily microfoliant is great but sadly for me it is too much if used everyday.
I felt it stripped my already dehydrated skin and made it feel a little tight which is not a feeling I want after cleansing.
I do use it but only twice a week.
I would say try it to all skin types but just go steady to begin with. You can purchase a small sample version without paying for the full size as its not cheap.
It is worth a try and I would recommend it as part of your weekly skin care routine.

dry BlackheadsSensitiveDehydrated+ 2
Favorite daily exfoliater

Fine white powder that foams up when mixed with water. Daily exfoliating may seem excessive to some but with my dry skin I feel that this is mild enough to gently exfoliate my skin each day and remove pesky flakes that may have appeared on my face during the day. This also keeps my small blackheads in check and I can count on this to solve any dull skin woes.

To use you pour out a small grape size amount into your hand and apply a few drops of water to "activate" the ingredients you then vigorously rub the mixture between your hands and then massage the foam that has formed onto your face, the texture should no longer feel powdery and should instead be a smooth white foam, add another drop of water and rub between your hands again if the texture is still grainy. I find that this keeps my skin really clear and smooth with everyday use and I prefer this to stronger and arguably more effective exfoliaters that are used every few days.

I have used this for 3 years and I am still as happy with the product as I was the very first time I used it. I have given this product 5 stars because it is my absolute favorite exfoliating product and a truly extraordinary product would have to be released in order for me to switch.

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