Ultra Gentle Cleansing Water


Ultra Gentle Cleansing Water

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Ultra Gentle Cleansing Water

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 6
Good for confusing skin type (like me)

When I was using this product for the first time, I felt the warmth on my face; however, my skin managed to bear with it. This product is actually amazing. My acne concern is getting a lot better BUT you have to wash your face properly. Don't use this product alone, after using this product you should wash your face with facial cleanser (my suggestion is Ultra Gentle Cleansing gel from its brand, they are working really well together).

Ps. You cannot see the actual result at the first use, but after you finish the bottle you would feel the improvement of your skin.