Love Nature Refreshing Toner With Organic Aloe Vera & Coconut Water


Love Nature Refreshing Toner With Organic Aloe Vera & Coconut Water

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Love Nature Refreshing Toner With Organic Aloe Vera & Coconut Water

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 2 Reviews
combination RosaceaPoresSensitive+ 1
Excelente tónico refrescante, me sirvio para mi piel mixta con rosacea e irritable, lo recomiendo...

como dice su nombre tonico refrescante totalmente, tengo la piel mixta con rosacea y es super irritable reacciona de inmediato si el producto no es bueno pero no mi piel se sintio fresca sin irritaciones y calma la piel. Realmente recomiendo el producto.

oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 2
great for cleaning pores!

Ever since I have memory I've had blackheads in my nose area but since I started using this product I've noticed that a great percentage of my blackheads have been cleared!!
I will absolutely recommend this product to my friends with similar problems than me.