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Community: 41 Ratings • 18 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 RatingsAt first I didn't like this product. It did the opposite of what it should have been doing. It made my skin look dull, dehydrated and dry.
I did my research and took advice from what I had seen online. They suggested that instead of applying it on dry skin, apply it on damp skin instead. After doing this regularly I noticed a huge difference. My skin felt more hydrated and started to look better.
Personally I prefer other products and ingridients for hydration and moisture, but it's still good.
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII had an amazing experience using this product. My skin has got a better texture, it is now more hydrated and even. I can't wait to buy it again.
I love this, I wet my face before and It makes it look so plump and hydrated. I love using this. I'm on my third bottle. I use it every morning AND its fungal acne safe. I really really love this product. I'll probably be using this for the rest of my life. My skin type is combo and i have a oily t zone. I also reccomend putting this on your hands.
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